
- 范万军编著 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海交通大学出版社
- ISBN:7313020481
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:228页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:245页
- 主题词:
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Chapter One Business Activities第一章 商业活动1
1.Making an Inquiry about Silver Spoons and Forks询问银匙和银叉的情况1
2.Inquiry about Sports Jackets询问运动服的情况2
3.Making an Inquiry about Eiderdown Quilts and Jackets询问鸭绒被和鸭绒衣情况4
4.Replying to the Inquiry about Eiderdown Quilts and Jackets答复对鸭绒被和鸭绒衣的询问6
5.Making an Inquiry about Carpets询问地毯情况8
6.Replying to the Inquiry about Carpets答复对地毯的询问10
7.Phone Call Asking about Ordering Shoes电话询问订购鞋的问题12
8.Phone Call Replying to Ordering Shoes电话答复订购鞋的问题14
9.Making an Inquiry about Micro-eletronic Components询问订购电子元件问题17
10.Making an Inquiry about Delivery询问交货情况19
11.Asking about Shipment询问运货情况21
12.Asking about Container Service询问集装箱服务情况23
13.Making an Inquiry about the Shortage of Goods in Transit询问货物在运输中短缺情况25
14.Ordering Moonlight Cloth订购“月光”牌窗帘布27
15.Ordering Longquan Swords订购龙泉宝剑28
16.Cancelling the Order of Cement取消水泥订购30
17.Purchasing Automatic Fire Alarm System购买自动火灾警报器32
18.Purchasing Bed Articles购买床上用品34
19.Complaining of Concerning Goods not to Sample Standard抱怨货物和样品不符37
20.Recalling the Exported Canned Mushrooms回收出口罐头蘑菇38
21.Requesting a Replacement of Damaged Goods要求更换受损货物39
22.Promising a Replacement of Damaged Goods答应更换受损货物41
23.Complaining of Bad Service抱怨服务不良43
24.Complaining of Delayed Delivery抱怨延迟交货45
25.Educating Customers about Unavoidable Delays向顾客说明延期交货47
26.Promotion of Photocopiers推销复印机49
27.Recommending Moonlight Cloth for Window Curtains推荐“月光”牌窗帘布50
28.Recommending Air-conditioners推荐空调器51
29.Recommending Canned Vegetables推荐罐头蔬菜53
30.Recommending Rugs and Carpets推荐地毯55
31.Exporting Irrigation Equipment to Kuwait向科威特出口灌溉设备58
32.Supplying Synthetic Waterproof Material供应合成防水材料60
33.Suggesting Selling Tractors to Tanzania建议向坦桑尼亚出售拖拉机62
34.Suggesting Buying a Restaurant建议购买一餐馆64
35.Suggesting Special Terms to a Retailer建议给一零售商特殊条件65
36.Suggesting the Establishment of Business Relations建议建立贸易关系67
37.Suggesting an Ad in Garment建议在《服装》杂志上刊登广告69
38.More Calls to Promote Sales多联系以促销71
39.Reorganizing the Store Departments调整柜台布局72
40.Expanding Our Business扩展业务73
41.Establishing a New Business in Vancouver在温哥华建立新事业74
42.Assessing the Investment Potential of the Green Pine Zone Development评估青松开发区的投资潜力75
43.Production according to Buyers'Requirement按用户要求进行生产77
44.Improving Sales District调整销售地区78
45.Closing the Hardware Line and Retraining the Hardware Personnel关闭五金部、重新训练其人员79
46.Business Decline and Steps for Improvement生意萧条及改进措施80
47.Group 6 Sales Record某项生意记录82
48.Adjusting Trade Volume调整贸易量84
49.Improving Our Stand at the Shenzhen Exhibition改进在深圳展览会的展台86
50.Establishing Trade Relations(1)建立贸易关系(1)87
51.Establishing Trade Relations(2)建立贸易关系(2)89
52.New Pricing新定价91
53.Increasing Prices提高价格92
54.Quoting for All Wool Sweaters羊毛衫报价(报盘)94
55.Quoting for Seladon Wares青瓷报价(报盘)96
56.Quoting for Jinhua Hams金华火腿报价(报盘)98
57.Prices of Canned Vegetables Readjusted罐头蔬菜已调价101
58.Toys at a Special Discount玩具特别折扣103
59.Special Allowance for Air-conditioners空调器特别折扣105
60.About Discount谈折扣107
61.Discontinuing a Business and a Closing-down Sale停业而减价销售109
62.Phone Call about Prices Being Too High电话谈价格过高110
63.Price and Payment价格及付款112
64.Phone Call about Slippers and Prices电话询问绣花鞋及价格115
65.Sending Price Lists and Samples of Bed Articles邮寄床上用品价格单及样品118
66.The Method of Payment and Shipment付款方式及运货问题120
67.Requesting Credit Extension to Sea Gull Company海鸥公司要求延期付款122
68.Making an Inquiry about the Method of Payment询问付款方式123
69.Requesting Payment of Account索款125
70.Explaining the Delay in Payment解释欠款原因127
71.Asking about Insurance询问保险事宜129
72.Making an Inquiry about General Position and Reliability调查对方信用情况131
73.Replying to the Inquiry about General Position and Reliability(1)答复信用调查(1)133
74.Replying to the Inquiry about General Position and Reliability(2)答复信用调查(2)135
Chapter Two Office Affairs第二章 办公室事务138
75.Notice of Attending a Trade Conference通知参加贸易会议138
76.Marketing Meeting on the Sales of Embroidered Slippers绣花拖鞋销售会通告139
77.Retirement of a Partner合伙人退出140
78.Admission of a New Partner吸收新成员141
79.Condolences on the Death of Our Chairman总经理去世142
80.Smith's Visit about Leather Seat Belts史密斯来访以了解坐椅皮带情况143
81.Postponement of Mr.Wilson's Visit威尔逊先生访问推迟145
82.Arrangement for the Visit of American Businessmen安排接待美国商业访问团146
83.Venue for the National Day Party国庆宴会地点事宜148
84.Trip to Technifair,March 22~33参加技术展销会149
85.Housing Allocation Policy住房分配政策150
86.Clarification of the Smoking Policy澄清禁烟原则151
87.Policy on Public Disclosures关于保密原则152
88.Plans to Improve Employee Incentives调动员工积极性的计划153
89.Water Pollution水污染155
90.Renovations of the Company's Premises公司房屋的维修翻新156
91.Answering the Telephone接电话事宜157
92.Attitudes and Impressions during Visitations对来客访问时的态度及印象158
93.Summer Leave夏季休假159
94.Review of Plant Facilities and Recommendations察看工厂设施及建议160
95.Improving Work Relations改进同事关系162
96.Chlorine Gas Seepage氯气渗漏163
97.A Superb April Seventh Company Picnic一次成功的公司野餐165
98.Furnishing a New Office为新办公室配置家具166
Chapter Three Personnel第三章 人事168
99.A New Appointment新任命168
100.Accepting a New Appointment接受新任命169
101.Change of General Manager更换总经理170
102.Profile for Sale Associates招收销售助理条件170
103.Casual Leave of Absence请事假171
104.Extention of Leave of Absence延长事假172
105.Hiring Temps雇佣临时工173
106.Replying to the Request of Hiring Temps回复雇临时工的要求174
107.English Training Course英语培训班事宜176
108.Requesting Leave for English Study要求离职进修英语177
109.Granting a Request for Leave for English Study同意离职进修英语178
110.Loaning an Interpreter借调翻译179
111.Work Transfer调动工作180
112.Terminating Engagement(1)辞职181
113.Terminating Engagement(2)辞退182
114.Terminating Engagement(3)辞退183
116.Requesting Wage Increase要求加薪185
117.Introducing a Person Seeking Employment介绍求职人186
118.Recruiting Part-time Salespeople招收业余售货员187
119.Violating Company's Rules and Regulations违犯公司规章制度188
120.Resignation of Andrew Zhang and Disciplinary Action安德鲁·张离职及对其纪律制裁189
Chapter Four Social Activities第四章 社交活动191
121.Informal Dinner Invitation聚餐邀请191
122.Cancelling an Informal Dinner Invitation取消聚餐邀请192
123.Acknowledgement of an Informal Dinner Invitation接受聚餐邀请193
124.Regret of an Informal Dinner Invitation辞谢聚餐邀请194
125.Informal Cocktail Party Invitation非正式鸡尾酒会邀请194
126.Informal Afternoon Tea Invitation午后茶点邀请195
127.Informal Dance Invitation非正式舞会邀请196
128.Informal Wedding Invitation婚礼邀请197
129.Informal Wedding Anniversary Invitation结婚周年纪念邀请198
131.Congratulations on Marriage祝贺结婚200
130.Congratulations on an Engagement祝贺订婚200
132.Congratulations on a Birthday祝贺生日201
133.Congratulations on Promotion祝贺提升202
134.Congratulations on Your Selection as One of the Ten Outstanding Engineers of Zhejiang Province祝贺某人当选为浙江省十大杰出工程师202
135.Congratulations on Graduation祝贺毕业203
Appendixes附录 常见商业英语词汇及缩写206
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