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- 中国高等科学技术中心编 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海科学技术出版社
- ISBN:753238795X
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:1169页
- 文件大小:416MB
- 文件页数:1185页
- 主题词:李政道-文集;物理学-文集
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[1 ] Interaction of Mesons with Nucleons and Light Particles (with M.Rosenbluthand C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.75, 905 (1949)22
[2] Hydrogen Content and Energy-Productive Mechanism of White Dwarfs, Ap.J.111,625(1950)26
[5] Difference between Turbulence in a Two-Dimensional Fluid and in a Three-Dimensional Fluid, J.Ap.Phys.22, 524 (1951)44
[7] Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions.Ⅰ.Theory ofCondensation (with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.87, 404 (1952)48
[8] Statistical Theory of Equations of State and Phase Transitions.Ⅱ.Lattice Gasand Ising Model (with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.87, 410 (1952)54
[10] The Motion of Slow Electrons in Polar Crystals (with F.E.Lowand D.Pines), Phys.Rev.90,297 (1953)69
[13] Some Special Examples in Renormalizable Field Theory,Phys.Rev.95, 1329 (1954)78
[14] Conservation of Heavy Particles and Generalized Gauge Transformations(with C.N.Yan), Phys.Rev.98, 1501 (1955)88
[16] Speculations on Heavy Mesons (with J.Orear), Phys.Rev.100, 932 (1955)91
[20] Charge Conjugation, a New Quantum Number G, and Selection Rules Concerning aNucleon-Antinucleon System (with C.N.Yang), Nuovo Cimento 3, 749 (1956)93
[21]Question of Parity Conservation in Weak Interactions (with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.104, 254 (1956); Errata: Phys.Rev.106, 1371 (1957)108
11 量子力学和量子统计力学中的多体问题114
[23] Many-Body Problem in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Statistical Mechanics(with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.105, 1119 (1957)118
[26] Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of a Bose System of Hard Spheres and ItsLow-Temperature Properties (with K.Huang and C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.106,1135 (1957)120
[25] Remarks on Possible Noninvariance under Time Reversal and ChargeConjugation (with R.Oehme and C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.106, 340 (1957)133
[27] Introductoty Talk at the 1957 Rochester Conference, Session on Weak Interactions (Interscience Publishers, 1957), Section Ⅶ, pp.1-12141
[32] Elementary Particles and Weak Interactions (with C.N.Yang), Brookhaven National Laboratory Report443 (T-91153
[33] Theoretical Implications of Parity Violations m Beta Interactions, m Proceedings of the Rehovoth Conference on Nuclear Structure (Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing, 1958), p.336217
[28] Possible Detection of Pairty Nonconservation in Hyperon Decay (with J.Steinberger, G.Feinberg, P.K.Kabir and C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.106, 1367 (1957)228
[35] Possible Determination of the Spin of A0 from Its Large Decay Angular Asymmetry(with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.109, 1755 (1958)233
[38] Weak Interactions and Nonconservation of Parity (December 1 1,1957), in Les Prix Nobel (Stockholm, 1957)238
[42] Low-Temperature Behavior of a Dilute Bose System of Hard Spheres.Ⅰ. Equilibrium Properties (with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.112, 1419 (1958)253
[45] Many-Body Problem in Quantum Statistical Mechanics.Ⅰ.General Formulation (with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.113, 1165 (1959)264
[50] Theoretical Discussions on Possible High Energy Neutrino Experiments(with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.Lett.4, 307 (1960)279
[60] High-Energy Neutrino Reactions without Production of Intermediate Bosons(with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.126, 2239 (1962)284
[56] Production Cross Section of Intermediate Bosons by Neutrinos in the Coulomb Field of Protons and Iron (with P.Markstein and C.N.Yang), Phys. Rev.Lett.7, 429 (1961295
[58] High-Energy Neutrino Experiments, in CERN Seminars on Particle Physics,1961, p.65301
[61]Theory of Charged Vector Mesons Interacting with the Electromagnetic Field(with C.N.Yang), Phys.Rev.128, 885 (1962)344
22 §极限理论在中间玻色子的研究上的应用358
[62] Application of §-Limiting Process to Intermediate Bosons, Phys.Rev.128, 899 (1962)359
[65] Spin 1/2 Wave Equation in De-Sitter Space (with F.Guersey), Proc.Nat. Acad.Sci.49, 179 (1963)372
[67] Intensity of Upward Muon Flux Due to Cosmic-Ray Neutrinos Produced in the Atmosphere (with H.Robinson, M.Schwartz and R.Cool), Phys.Rev.132,1297 (1963)381
[68] Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Neutrinos (with J.Bernstein), Phys.Rev.Lett.11,512 (1963)386
[70] Possible Method of Determining the Moment of Charge of ve (with A.Sirlin), Rev.Mod.Phys.36,666 (1964)391
[69] Degenerate Systems and Mass Singularities (with M.Nauenberg), Phys.Rev.133, B1549 (1964)397
[84] Weak Interactions (with C.S.Wu), Ann.Rev.Nucl.Sci.15, 381 (1965)412
[95] Weak Interactions: Chapter 8-Decays of Charged K Mesons, and Chapter 9- Decays of Neutral K Mesons (with C.S.Wu), Ann.Rev.Nucl.Sci.16, 471 (1966); Corrections, ibid.17, 513 (1967)508
[93] Space Inversion, Time Reversal and Other Discrete Symmetries in Local Field Theories (with G.C.Wick), Phys.Rev.148, 1385 (1966)632
[100] Neutral Vector Mesons and the Hadronic Electromagnetic Current (with N.M.Kroll and B.Zumino), Phys.Rev.157, 1376 (1967)654
[101] Algebra of Fields (with S.Weinberg and B.Zumino), Phys.Rev.Lett.18, 1029 (1967)678
[103] Field-Current Identities and Algebra of Fields (with B.Zumino), Phys.Rev.163, 1667 (1967)682
[117] Negative Metric and the Unitarity of the S-Matrix (with G.C.Wick), Nucl Phys.B9, 209 (1969)699
[118] Unitarity in the N00 Sector of Soluble Model with Indefinite Metric(with G.C.Wick), Nucl.Phys.B10, 11969734
[129] Questions of Lorentz Invariance in Field Theories with Indefinite Metric(with G.C.Wick), Phys.Rev.D3,1046 (1971)744
[135] History of Weak Interactions, in Elementary Processes at High Energy,eds.A.Zichichi (Academic Press, 1971)747
[142] Scaling Properties and the Bound-State Nature of the Physical Nucleon(with S.D.Drell), Phys.Rev.D5, 1738 (1972)760
[145] Multiplicity Distribution in the Multiperipheral Model and a One-Dimensional Gas, Phys.Rev.D6, 3617 (1972)787
[146] A Theory of Spontaneous T Violation, Phys.Rev.D8, 1226 (1973)802
[149] CP Nonconservation and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Physics Reports 9C, No.2 (1974)816
[150] Vacuum Stability and Vacuum Excitation in a Spin 0 Field Theo(with G.C.Wick), Phys.Rev.D9, 2291 (1974)852
[173] Feynman Rules of QCD inside a Hadron, Phys.Rev.D19, 1802 (1979)867
[177] Is the Vacuum a Physical Medium?, in Statistical Mechanics of Quarks and Hadrons, eds.H.Satz (Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1981), p.3885
[152] Abnormal Nuclear States and Vacuum Excitation, an invited talk given at the Annual Bevatron Users’ Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1974; Rev.Mod.Phys.47, 267 (1975)899
[155] A Possible New Form of Matter at High Density, in Report of the Workshop on BeV/Nucleon Collisions of Heavy Ions—How and Why, Bear Mountain 1974 (Brookhaven National Laboratory Report #50445), p.1908
[157] Quantum Expansion of Soliton Solutions (with N.H.Christ), Phys.Rev.D12, 1606 (1975)921
[159] Class of Scalar-Field Soliton Solutions in Three Space Dimensions (with R.Friedberg and A.Sirlin), Phys.Rev.D13, 2739 (1976)945
[162] Gauge-Field Nontopological Solitons in Three Space-Dimensions (Ⅰ), (with R. Friedberg and A.Sirlin), Nucl.Phys.B115, 1 (1976)968
[163] Gauge-Field Nontopological Solitons in Three Space-Dimensions (Ⅱ), (with R. Friedberg and A.Sirlin), Nucl.Phys.B115,32(1976)999
[161 ] Examples of Four-Dimensional Soliton Solutions and Abnormal Nuclear States, Physics Reports 23C, 254 (1976)1016
[165] Fermion-Field Nontopological Solitons Ⅰ (with R.Friedberg), Phys.Rev.D15,1694 (1977)1022
[167] Fermion-Field Nontopological Solitons Ⅱ (with R.Friedberg), Phys.Rev.D16,1096 (1977)1040
[169] QCD and the Soliton Model of Hadrons (with R.Friedberg), Phys.Rev.D18,2623(1978)1063
[174] Operator Ordering and Feynman Rules in Gauge Theories (with N.H.Christ), Phys.Rev.D22, 939 (1980)1075
[179] Random Lattice Field Theory: General Formulation (with N.H.Christ and R.Friedberg), Nucl.Phys.B202, 89 (1982)1096
[180] Gauge Theory on a Random Lattice (with N.H.Christ and R.Friedberg), Nucl.Phys.B210 [FS6], 310 (1982)1133
[181 ] Weights of Links and Plaquettes in a Random Lattice (with N.H.Christ and R.Friedberg), Nucl.Phys.B210 [FS6], 337 (1982)1160
[182] Can Time Be a Discrete Dynamical Variable?, Phys.Lett.122B, 217 (1983)1172
[183] Discrete Quantum Mechanics (with R.Friedberg), Nucl.Phys.B225 [FS9], 1 (1983)1176
[188] Derivation of Regge’s Action from Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity(with R.Friedberg), Nucl.Phys.B242, 145 (1984)1228
[189] Lattice Gravity near the Continuum Limit (with G.Feinberg, R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren), Nucl.Phys.B245,343 (1984)1250
[187] Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and Future Physics, in Symmetries in Particle Physics (A Festschrift for Feza Guersey), eds.I.Bars, A.Chodos and C.H.Tze (New York, Plenum Press, 1984), p.931277
[192] Are Black Holes Black Bodies?, Nucl.Phys.B264, 437 (1986)1290
[193] Black Hole Radiation, in The Jubilee of Meson Theory, eds.M.Bando, R.Kawabe and N.Nakanishi, Progr.Theor.Phys.(Supplement No.85), 1986, p.2711340
[199] Generalization of a Theorem on Horizon Radiation (with R.Friedberg and Y.Pang), Nucl.Phys.B276, 549 (1986)1348
[195] Physics in Terms of Difference Equations, in The Lessons of Quantum Theory, eds. J.de Boer, E.Dal and O.Ulfbeck (Amsterdam, North-Holland Physics Publishing,1986), p.1811380
[209] Difference Equations and Conservation Laws, J.Stat.Phys.46, 843 (1987)1399
[204] Soliton Stars and the Critical Masses of Black Holes, Phys.Rev.D35, 3637 (1987)1418
[205] Mini-Soliton Stars (with R.Friedberg and Y.Pang. Phys.Rev.D35, 3640 (1987)1422
[206] Scalar Soliton Stars and Black Holes (with R.Friedberg and Y.Pang. Phys.Rev. D35, 3658 (1987)1440
[207] Fermion Soliton Stars and Black Holes (with Y.Pang. Phys.Rev.D35, 3678 (1987)1460
[214] Stability of Mini-Boson Stars (with Y.Pang. Nucl.Phys.B315, 477 (1989)1478
[218] Charge Fluctuations between CuO2 Layers in High-Temperature Superconductors(with R.Friedberg. Phys.Rev.B39, 482 (1989)1519
[219] Boson-Fermion Model of Superconductivity (with R.Friedberg. Phys.Lett.A1 38,423 (1989)1531
[220] Gap Energy and Long-range Order in the Boson-Fermion Model of Superconductivity (with R.Friedberg. Phys.Rev.B40, 6745 (1989)1536
[224] Coherence Length and Vortex Filament in the Boson-Fermion Model of Superconductivity(with R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren. Phys.Rev.B42, 4122 (1990)1555
[234] A Correction to Schafroth’s Superconductivity Solution of an Ideal Charged Boson System (with R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren. Annals of Physics 208, 149 (1991)1569
[310] Comments on the Superconductivity Solution of an Ideal Charged Boson System, A dedication in celebration of the 90th birthday of Professor V.L.Ginzburg (with R.Friedberg. cond-mat/0602009; Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 19, 277 (2006)1636
[240] Nontopological Solitons (with Y.Pang. Physics Reports 221,251-350 (1992)1650
[241]Parity Doublets and the Pairing Mechanism in Ce0 (with R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren. Phys.Rev.B46, 14 150 (1992)1751
[248] Equivalence between Spin Waves and Lattice Bosons with Applications to the Heisenberg Model (with R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren), Annals of Physics 228,52 (1993)1776
[253] Bosonization of Lattice Fermions (with R.Friedberg and H.C.Ren), Phys.Rev. B50, 10 190 (1994)1828
[252] Vacuum as a Physical Medium (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and the Boltzmann Equation), a talk given at the International Symposium in Honour of Boltzmann’s 150th Birthday, issued as an individual print of the Erwin Schroedinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna 19941857
[261 ] Introduction (RHIC physics as a Probe to Study Symmetry Properties Using Nuclei), in Symmetries and Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei, eds.W.Haxton and E.Henley (Singapore, World Scientific, 1995), p.11879
[262] Noncompact Lattice Formulation of Gauge Theories (with R.Friedberg, Y.Pang and H.C.Ren), Phys.Rev.D52,4053 (1995)1893
[270] A Soluble Gauge Model with Gribov-Type Copies (with R.Friedberg, Y.Pang and H.C.Ren), Annals of Physics 246, 381 (1996)1923
[284] Relations between Low-Lying Quantum Wave Functions and Solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation (with R.Friedberg and W.Q.Zhao), Nuovo Cimento112A, 11 95 (1999)1990
[289] A New Method to Derive Low-Lying N-dimensional Quantum Wave Functions by Quadratures Along a Single Trajectory(with R.Friedberg and W.Q.Zhao), Annals of Physics 288, 52 (2001)2024
[290] A Convergent Iterative Solution of the Quantum Double-well Potential (with R.Friedberg, W.Q.Zhao and A.Cimenser), Annals of Physics 294, 67 (2001)2075
[299] A New Proof for the Convergent Iterative Solution of the Degenerate Quantum Double-well Potential and Its Generalization (with R.Friedberg), Annals of Physics 308, 263 (2003)2142
[303] New Ways to Solve the Schroedinger Equation (with R.Friedberg), Annals of Physics 316, 44 (2005)2164
[304] A New Approach to Solve the Low-lying States of the Schroedinger Equation, Journal of Statistical Physics 121,1015 (2005)2227
[308] Convergent Iterative Solutions for a Sombrero-Shaped Potential in Any Space Dimension and Arbitrary Angular Momentum (with R.Friedberg, W.Q.Zhao), quant-ph/0510193; Annals of Physics 321,1981 (2006)2284
[312] Iterative Solutions for Low-lying Excited States of a Class of Schroedinger Equation(with R.Friedberg, W.Q.Zhao), quant-ph/0607075; Chinese Physics 15, 1909 (2006)2319
[302] A Possible Origin of Dark Energy, Chinese Phys.Lett.21,1187 (2004)2325
[305] Overview—The Strongly Interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma and Future Physics, in New Discoveries at RHIC, Proceedings of RBRC Workshop, Volume 62, BNL-72391, Nucl.Phys.A750, 1 (2005)2327
[309] New Insights to Old Problems, hep-ph/0605017; Chinese Physics 15, 1125 (2006)2337
[311 ] A Possible Relation between the Neutrino Mass Matrix and the Neutrino Mapping Matrix (with R.Friedberg), hep-ph/0606071; HEP & NP 30,591 (2006)2346
[313] Hidden Symmetry of the CKM and Neutrino Mapping Matrices (with R.Friedberg), arXiv: 0705.4156 [hep-ph]; Annals of Physics, in press2354
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