
- Ronald G.Douglas著 著
- 出版社: 世界图书出版公司北京公司
- ISBN:7506259621
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:194页
- 文件大小:29MB
- 文件页数:214页
- 主题词:
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1 Banach Spaces1
1 The Banach Space of Continuous Functions2
2 Abstract Banach Spaces2
3 The Conjugate Space of Continuous Linear Functionals5
4 Examples of Banach spaces:co,l1,and l∞6
5 Weak Topologies on Banach Spaces8
6 The Alaoglu Theorem9
7 The Hahn-Banach Theorem10
8 The Conjugate Space of C([0,1])12
9 The Open Mapping Theorem21
10 The Lebesgue Spaces:L1 and L∞23
11 The Hardy Spaces:H1 and H∞25
2 Banach Algebras30
1 The Banach Algebra of Confinuous Functions30
2 Abstract Banach Algebras31
3 Abstract Index in a Banach Algebra33
4 The Space of Multiplicative Linear Functions36
5 The Gelfand Transform37
6 The Gelfand-Mazur Theorem39
7 The Gelfand Theorem for Commutative Banach Algebras41
8 The Spectral Radius Formula42
9 The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem43
10 The Generalized Stone-Weierstrass Theorem43
11 The Disk Algebra47
12 The Algebra of Functions with Absolutely Convergent Fourier Series50
13 The Algebra of Bounded Measurable Functions52
3 Geometry of Hilbert Space58
1 Inner Product Spaces58
2 The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality59
3 The Pythagorean Theorem60
4 Hilbert Spaces61
5 Examples of Hilbert Spaces:Cn,l2,L2,and H261
6 The Riesz Representation Theorem66
7 The Existence of Orthonormal Bases69
8 The Dimension of Hilbert Spaces70
4 Operators on Hilbert Space and C-Algebras74
1 The Adioint Operator75
2 Normal and Self-adjoint Operators77
3 Projections and Subspaces78
4 Multiplication Operators and Maximal Abelian Algebras80
5 The Bilateral Shift Operator82
6 C-Algebras83
7 The Gelfand-Naimark Theorem84
8 The Spectral Theorem85
9 The Functional Calculus85
10 The Square Root of Positive Operators86
11 The Unilateral Shift Operator87
12 The Polar Decomposition88
13 Weak and Strong Operator Topologies91
14 W-Algebras92
15 Isomorphisms of L∞-Spaces94
16 Normal Operators with Cyclic Vectors95
17 Maximal Abelian W-Algebras97
18 Homomorphisms of C-Algebras100
19 The Extended Functional Calculus101
20 The Fuglede Theorem103
5 Compact Operators,Fredholm Operators,and Index Theory108
1 The Ideals of Finite Rank and Compact Operators108
2 Approximation of Compact Operators110
3 Examples of Compact Operators:Integral Operators112
4 The Calkin Algebra and Fredholm Operators113
5 Atkinson's Theorem114
6 The Index of Fredholm Operators115
7 The Fredholm Altemative116
8 Volterra Integral Operators118
9 Connectedness of the Unitary Group in a W-Algebra119
10 Characterization of Index123
11 Quotient C-Algebras124
12 Representations of the C-Algebra of Compact Operators126
6 The Hardy Spaces133
1 The Hardy Spaces:H1,H2,and H∞133
2 Reducing Subspaces of Unitary Operators135
3 Beurling's Theorem136
4 The F.and M.Riesz Theorem137
5 The Maximal Ideal Space of H∞138
6 The Inner-Outer Factorization of Functions in H2141
7 The Modulus of Outer Functions141
8 The Conjugates of H1 and L∞/H∞0144
9 The Closedness of H∞+C145
10 Approximation by Quotients of Inner Functions145
11 The Gleason-Whitney Theorem146
12 Subalgebras between H∞ and L∞147
13 Abstract Harmonic Extensions149
14 The Maximal Ideal Space of H∞+C150
15 The Invertibility of Functions in H∞+C152
7 Toeplitz Operators158
1 Toeplitz Operators158
2 The Spectral Inclusion Theorem160
3 The Symbol Map160
4 The Spectrum of Self-adjoint Toeplitz Operators163
5 The Spectrum of Analytic Toeplitz Operators164
6 The C-Algebra Generated by the Unilateral Shift164
7 The Invertibility of Toeplitz Operators with Continuous Symbol166
8 The Invertibility of Unimodular Toeplitz Operators and Prediction Theory167
9 The Spectrum of Toeplitz Operators with Symbol in H∞+C169
10 The Connectedness of the Essential Spectrum174
11 Localization to the Center of a C-Algebra177
12 Locality of Fredholmness for Toeplitz Operators178
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