
英语幽默精编 2【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

英语幽默精编 2
  • 马洵,刘哲主编 著
  • 出版社: 天津:天津大学出版社
  • ISBN:7561815530
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:277页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:297页
  • 主题词:英语


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1.The Wrong Eye1

2.To Lose Weight2

3.A Peculiar Animal2

4.No Argument3

5.The Nearest4




9.Where Are You Going?7

10.May I Look at the Book Again?8

11.What Is a Traitor?9

12.Mother and Father10


14.Two Sons12

15.The Thief13

16.A Barking Wife14

17.A Mysterious Letter15

18.Henpecked Husbands16

19.A Driver and a Policeman17

20.It s His Fault18

21.An Hour19

22.A Useful Lesson20


24.Visual Training23

25.A Pupil24

26.Jim s Shoes25

27.Not Responsible26

28.The Joke27


30.Horne Tooke29

31.A Note30

32.You Are Paying for It31

33.To Bear False Witness32

34.How Could You Afford to Buy the Ticket?33

35.A Job34

36.Musical Ability35

37.Picture and Word36

38.The Bells37

39.I Lost38

40.Do You Know My Work?39

41.The Same Questions40

42.A Rope Round His Neck42

43.The Governor43

44.Two Cross-Eyed Men44

45.Stupid Question45

46.A New Captain46

47.Are You Waiting for Autumn?47

48.You Don t Have the Guts to Pull the Trigger48

49.A Clever Thief49

50.Your Neighbor Did50

51.Don t Lie to Me!51

52.My Grandpa Will Pay the Bill52

53.The Person Who Lived Up to 145 Years53

54.Where Do You Find a Lawyer?54

55.Where Is My Other Shoe?55

56.Making Loan56

57.Doctor s Prescription57

58.How to Celebrate Your Birthday?58

59.It Depends59

60.I Could Count on You!60

61.A Clever Parrot61

62.A Pair of Crocodile Shoes61

64.It s For the Funeral Tomorrow63

63.Whose Fault Was It?63

65.The Daughter s Husband64

66.Negative Words65

67.A Pitty Lawyer66

68.What a Coincidence!67

69.Out They Go!68

70.A Good Mother68

71.Six Cups of Coffee70

72.To Hire a Driver70

73.The Formula for Water71

74.Who Has the Worst Odor?72

75.The Payment73

76.Dieting and Investment74

77.Where Should I Put the Napkins?75

78.An Innocent Question75

79.The Reason for Being Late76


81.Have You Ever Tried Mouthwash?78

82.The Most Pity Man in the World78

83.Marry Him79

84.I m the Papal Nuncio80

86.Who Broke the Dishes?81

85.Kill the Umpire81

87.The Meaning of Dreams82

88.How to Get His Attention?83


90.A Bet84

91.Thank Goodness85

92.Don t Blame Me85

93.The Wager86

94.Let It Walk87

95.I Didn t Expect to Get the Necklace!88

96.Frozen River89

97.The Trouble-maker90

98.The Poor Old Man90

99.Looking for a Cashier91


101.The Cue Cards93

102.The Twins93

103.A Rib94

104.The Lawn Mower95


106.The Puzzled Witness96

107.The Cattle Rancher s Wife97


109.Use Your Hat99


111.The Two Beaus100

112.A Bathing Suit101

113.The Excuse101

114.I Lost Two Dollars102

115.The Cunning Wife103

116.Not Much of a Man104

117.Paint My House105

118.The Exhausted Taxpayer106

119.Good News and Bad News106

120.I Should Have Taken the Money107

121.You re Terrific!108

122.The Wife s Answer109

123.Before the Store Opened109

124.I m Not Superstitious!110

125.The Clever Wife111

126.The Surgeon and the Plumber112

127.The Silver Coin113

128.The Trouble114

129.We Close at Nine O clock115

130.The Bad Job115

131.Daddy s Password116

132.Who Pushed Me In?117

133.The Car Accident118

134.The Boss119

135.The Avid Golfer120


137.The Missing Husband121

138.The Fax122

139.A Revelation123

140.Inside My Room124

141.When Do People Talk Least?124

142.Guessing a Riddle125

143.To Scare Them126

144.I Hate School126

145.An Absolute Zero127

146.An Essential Correction127



147.He Knows the Answer128

150.Who Should Be Given the Gift?129


152.Not to Be Taken Out130

153.I Don t Know Her131


155.Shut up!133

156.The Longest and the Shortest133

157.Tom s Reply134

159.Your Worries Are Over135

158.Flying Too Slow135

160.The Carrot136

161.With Doll136

162.A Good Way137

163.May I Borrow It?137

164.He Is a Barber138

165.The Shape of our Earth138


167.Lord Will Save Me140

168.A Bull or Bear141

169.The Awkward Guest142

171.A Married Man143

170.The Mirror143

172.The Partner144

173.Your Paintings145

174.Buying an Antique145

175.What s Your Name?146

176.The Matter147

177.I Don t Bother148

178.A Foreign Language!148

179.Bad News, Good News149

180.Busy with Appointments150

181.Attending Funeral151


183.Beautiful from Head to Toe152

184.On Their Way to School154

185.More Considerate154

186.Give Me One155

187.When Will the TV Play Begin?156

188.The Composition Class156

189.I Am My Father157

190.Two Cows158


192.You Should Be Replaced159

193.Bring Me the Winner160

194.The Second Job160

195.Why Don t You Try Two Plus Two?161

196.Benefit from the Second Job162

197.Is This a Real Certificate?162

198.Positive Analogy163

199.Likes and Dislikes164

200.No Chance in the Daytime165

201.Which Woman?165

202.I Own My Success to the Telephone166

203.To Buy a Video167

204.Age of Innocence167

205.The New Teacher168

206.All Except the Music169

207.The Middle of August170

208.What Should I Do?170

209.Let My Chauffeur Answer It!171

210.A Treasure Hunt172

211.The Psychologist173

212.The Artist s Work174


214.The Professor176

215.The Parents and the Child176

216.How Sad!177


218.The Advertising178

219.It Ought to Be179

220.I know180

221.Time Is Running Out181

222.The Barrister s Rate181

223.Your House Called182

224.The Report Card183

225.To Move a Couch184

226.The Customer and the Waitress184

227.Give Me My Money185

228.The Marriage186

229.To Pull the Tooth187

230.Is Your Mother Home?188

231.We d Both Be Alive188

232.The Woman s Problem189

233.The Object190

235.Auto Loan191

234.The College Graduate191

236.I Send Him to My Room192

237.It Never Worked193

238.Now She Knows194

239.Run Like Hell194

240.My son Is Home195

241.The Lawyer and His Client195

242.How Did You Get Here?196

243.The Suspect197

245.I Shut My Eyes198

244.A Small Steak198

246.He Dies of Pneumonia199

247.Hair Transplant200

248.The Next One200


250.A Speaking Role202

251.Only One Chair202

252.Which Won?203

253.One at a Time204

254.What Would You Like to Take?204

256.Pay the Taxes With a Smile205

255.Kiss Back205

257.Bank Director206

258.The Speaker of the House207

259.To Try on the Trousers207

260.When Is It Due?208

261.Could You Repeat?208

262.Correct the Sentence209

263.But My Sister Does210

264.It Depends210

265.My socks211

266.My Brother Is Five Months Older Than I Am212

267.Good Luck on Your Voyage213

268.A Branch Office214

269.So Much Confusion215

270.It Would Relieve the Pressure215

271.The Lens Cap216

272.Scare Me Half to Death217

273.I Got Smart219

274.The Captain and the Sergeant220

276.I Never Listen221

275.What Is Happiness221

277.Sense of Humor222

278.The Forgetful Actor223

279.To Lose Weight224

280.A Lucky Guy225

281.Anger and Exasperation226

282.The Reason for Divorce227

283.To Fill228

284.Parking a Car228

285.The Vulgar Laugh229




289.The Number232


291.I Don t Need to Steal Any More234

292.The Paper Shredder235

293.Not Real Life235

294.Trick or Treat236

295.My Last Dollar237

296.The History Class237

298.the Student s Intelligence239

297.The Funeral Director239

299.The TV-sick240

300.In a Second241

301.You re Smarter242

302.50 Years!242

303.A Huge Job243

304.The Poor Widow244

305.To Lose Weight245

306.The Will246

308.Bill s Life247

307.She Wasn t As Smart As You247

309.Texans Sight248

310.What Were They to Go with?249

311.A Clever Husband249

312.I ll Treat It Like Others!250

313.Sooner or Later251


315.He Ought to Be Ashamed of Himself252

316.It s Up to Them253

317.When Did This Happen?254

318.Give Up Smoking?255

319.A Kind Artist256

320.Park Car on Another Street257

321.Shakespeare Is a Kind of Cheese258

322.Never Tell Lies259

323.A Good Son260

324.Sixteen Years .Experience261

325.My Eyesight Is Poor262

326.A Long Speech263

327.The Same Things264

328.Connect Your Telephone265

329.I Did Not Have Time to Look at Them266

330.I Always Go Sailing on That Day267


332.The Food269


334.Worse Than That271

335.My Bill272

336.Two of Them273

337.During the Night274

338.The Eighth275

339.Alexander the Great276
