
现代骨科疾病诊断与治疗 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

现代骨科疾病诊断与治疗 英文版
  • Harry B.Skinner,MD,PhD主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:人民卫生出版社
  • ISBN:7117038675
  • 出版时间:2000
  • 标注页数:696页
  • 文件大小:157MB
  • 文件页数:706页
  • 主题词:


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现代骨科疾病诊断与治疗 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载


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1.Basic Science in Orthopedic Surgery Stephen D.Cook,PhD,Robert L.Barrack,MD, Harry B.Skinner,MD,PhD1

Biomechanics Biomaterials1

Basic Concepts Definitions1

Biomechanics in Orthopedics3

Biologic Tissues in Orthopedics5

Implant Materials in Orthopedics18

Growth Factors25

Implant Design Biologic Attachment Properties26

Tissue Response to Implant Materials33

Gait Analysis36

Gait Cycles, Phases, Events37

Gait Measurements37

Role of Gait Analysis in the Management of Patients With Gait Disorders43

2.General Considerations in Orthopedic Surgery Harry B.Skinner, MD, PhD47

Surgical Management49

Postoperative Care52

3.Musculoskeletal Trauma Surgery Harry B.Skinner, MD, PhD, Edward Diao, MD, Richard A.Gosselin, MD, David W.Lowenberg, MD55

The Healing Process55

General Considerations in Diagnosis Treatment of Musculoskeletal Trauma57

Orthopedic Assessment Management of Polytrauma Patients57

Immediate Management of Musculoskeletal Trauma62

Failure of Fracture Healing66

Principles of Operative Fracture Fixation71

Ⅰ.Trauma to the Upper Extremity73

Fractures Dislocations of the Forearm73

Distal Radius Ulna Injuries74

Dislocation of the Radiocarpal Joint81

Forearm Shaft Fractures81

Injuries Around the Elbow83

Distal Humerus Fractures83

Olecranon Fractures84

Fracture of the Radial Head85

Elbow Dislocation86

Shoulder Arm Injuries88

Humeral Shaft Fracture89

Fractures Dislocations Around the Shoulder91

Ⅱ.Trauma to the Lower Extremity93

Foot Ankle Injuries93

Fractures Common to All Parts of the Foot94

Forefoot Fractures Dislocations95

Midfoot Fractures Dislocations96

Hindfoot Fractures Dislocations97

Ankle Fractures Dislocations101

Tibia Fibula Injuries103

Injuries Around the Knee106

Ligamentous Injuries107

Proximal Tibia Fractures110

Distal Femur Fractures111

Patcllar Injuries112

Femoral Shaft Fractures114

Diaphyseal Fractures114

Subtrochanteric Fractures116

Hip Fractures Dislocations117

Pelvic Fractures Dislocations121

4.Sports Medicine Patrick J.McMahon, MD, Keith D.Merrill, MD, Richard J,Friedman, MD, FRCS(C), Harry B.Skinner, MD, PhD125

Knee Injuries127

Acute Hemarthrosis of the Knee134

Meniscus Injury134

Knee Fracture136

Knee Plica Injury137

Knee Ligament Injury137

Knee Tendon Injury142

Patellar Dislocation142

Knee Pain143

Ankle Foot Injuries145

Ankle Ligament Injury146

Rupture of the Achilles Tendon147

Ankle of Foot Pain148

Other Injuries of the Lower Body149

Overuse Syndromes of the Lower Extremitics149

Contusions Avulsinos of the Lower Body151

Shoulder Injuries154

Shoulder Fracture158

Acromioclavicular Joint Injury160

Sternoclavicular Joint Injury161

Glenohumeral Joint Injury162

Shoulder Tendon Muscle Injury166

Shoulder Neurovascular Injury170

Elbow Injuries171

Elbow Fracture171

Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)171

Other Elbow Overuse Injuries172

Spine Injuries173

Cervical Spine Injury173

Lumbar Spinc Injury174

5.Disorders, Diseases, Injuries of the Spine Serena S.Hu, MD, George D.Carlson, MD, Clifford B.Tribus, MD176

Osteomyelitis of the Spine176

Tumors of the Spine177

Primary Tumors of the Spine177

Metastatic Disease of the Spine181

Extradural Tumors181

Inflammatory Diseases of the Spine182

Rheumatoid Arthritis182

Ankylosing Spondylitis183

Diseases Disorders of the Cervical Spine184

Congenital Malformations186

Cervical Spondylosis188

Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament192

Diseases Disorders of the Lumbar Spine195

Low Back Pain195

Lumbar Disk Herniation197

Facet Syndrome198

Stenosis of the Lumbar Spine199

Deformitics of the Spine202




Spondylolisthesis Spondylolysis217

Injuries of the Cervical Spine223

Injuries of the Upper Cervical Spine231

Injuries of the Lower Cervical Spine237

Injuries of the Thoracic Lumbar Spine241

Compression Fracture(Wedge Fracture)245

Burst Fracture245

Distractive Flexion Injury(Chance Fracture)246

Fracture-Dislocation Injury246

6.Tumors in Orthopedics James O.Johnston, MD, R.Lor Randall, MD247

Etiology of Musculoskeletal Tumors247

Evaluation and Staging of Tumors248

Diagnosis Treatment of Tumors259

Benign Bone Tumors259

Malignant Bone Tumors272

Benign Soft Tissue Tumors290

Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors297

Management of Carcinoma Metastasized to Bone304

Differential Diagnosis of Pseudotumorous Conditions312

7.Adult Reconstructive Surgery Robert S.Namba, MD, Harry B.Skinner, MD, PhD326

Arthritis Related Conditions326

Medical Management336

Other Therapies338

Surgical Management338

Procedures For Joint Preservation338

Joint Salvage Procedures343

Joint Replacement Procedures347

8.Orthopedic Infections William Petty, MD365

General Considerations365


Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis374

Chronic Osteomyelitis376

Septic Arthritis381

Gonococcal Arthritis395

Staphylococcal Arthritis396

Streptococcal Arthritis396

Arthritis Due to Gram-Negative Bacilli396

Arthritis Due to P Aeruginosa397

Arthritis Due to H Influenzae397

Arthritis Due to Neisseria Meningitidis397

Brucellar Arthritis397

Syphilitic Arthritis398

Lyme Arthritis398

Tubercular Arthritis398

Arthritis Due to Atypical Mycobacteria401

Fungal Arthritis402

Viral Arthritis402

Drug Abuse403

Toxic Shock Syndrome403

Special Problems Associated With Orthopedic Infections403

Arthritis Due to Hypersensitivity403

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS)404

9.Foot Ankle Surgery Roger A.Mann, MD, Jeffrey A.Mann, MD405

Biomechanic Principles of the Foot Ankle405

Deformities of the First Toe408

Deformities of the Lesser Toes419

Regional Anesthesia for Foot Ankle Disorders424


Keratotic Disorders of the Planter Skin427

Disorders of the Toenails437

Diabetic Foot439

Neurologic Disorders of the Foot439

Rheumatoid Foot443

Heel Pain444

Arthrodesis About the Foot Ankle446

Congenital Flatfoot452

Acquired Flatfoot Deformity454

Cavus Foot456

Orthotic Devices for the Foot Ankle458

Tarsal Coalitions461

Ligamentous Injuries About the Ankle Joint463

Arthroscopic Examination of the Foot Ankle466

Achilles Tendon Rupture469

10.Hand Surgery Michael S.Bednar, MD, Terry R.Light, MD473

Diagnosis of Disorders of the Hand473

Special Treatment Procedures for Hand Disorders477

Disorders of the Musculature of the Hand480

Disruption of Extensor Muscle Insertions484

Intrinsic Plus Intrinsic Minus Positions485

Intrinsic Muscle Tightness486

Swan-Neck Deformity487

Flexor Tendon Injury488

Disorders of the Tendons of the Hand488


Vascular Disorders of the Hand494

Arterial Occlusion494

Vasospastic Conditions495

Disorders of the Nerves of the Hand496

Peripheral Nerve Injury496

Compressive Neuropathies497

Disorders of the Fascia of the Hand503

Dupuytren s Disease503

Compartment Syndromes504

Fractures Dislocations of the Hand506

Fractures Dislocations of the Metacarpals Phalanges506

Wrjst Injures512

Soft Tissue Injuries517

Fingertip Injuries517

Nail Bed Injuries518

Thermal Injury519

Acute Burn Injury519

Electrical Bums520

Chemical Burns520

Cold Injury(Frostbite)520

High-Pressure Injection Injury521

Infections of the Hand522

Arthritis of the Hand524


Rheumatoid Arthritis525

Hand Tumors529

Congenital Differences530

11.Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery George T.Rab, MD532

Growth Disorders532

Infectious Processes533

Metabolic Disorders536

Hip Disorders537

Foot Disorders547

Torsional Angular Deformities of the Knee Leg552

Knee Disorders556

Osgood-Schlatter Disease558

Spinal Curvature558

Neuromuscular Disorders563




Injuries Related to Child Abuse576

12.Amputations Douglas G.Smith, MD577

Special Considerations in the Management of Pediatric Patients577

General Principles of Amputation579

Types of Amputation588

Upper Extremity Amputations Disatriculations588

Lower Extremity Amputations Disatriculations592

13.Rehabilitation Mary Ann E.Keenan, MD, Robert L.Waters, MD602

General Principles of Rehabilitation602

Spinal Cord Injury612


Brain Injury624

Heterotopic Ossification628

Rheumatoid Arthritis629


Cerebral Palsy(Static Encephalopathy)640

Neuromuscular Disorders643


