
- 冯娅主编;四川大学外国语学院编 著
- 出版社: 成都:四川人民出版社
- ISBN:7220058454
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:224页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:235页
- 主题词:对外贸易(学科: 英语 学科: 口语) 对外贸易 英语 口语
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Unit1初次见面(The First Meeting)1
Scene1 在机场(At the Airport)1
Scene2 提供帮助( Offering Help)3
Scene3 行李认领处(At the Luggage Claim Area)4
Scene4 去宾馆路上(On the Way to the Hotel)5
Scene5 不客气(My Pleasure)6
Scene6 在宾馆(At the Hotel)7
Unit2 建立业务(Establishing Trade Relations)14
Scene1 日程安排(Your Schedule)14
Scene2 日程安排有变(Changing in Schedule)16
Scene3 约会(Making an Appointment)17
Scene4 在办公室(At the Office)19
Scene5 在公司(At the Company)20
Scene6 在样品间(In the Showroom)22
Scene7 在商品交易会上(At the Fair)24
Scene8 在宴会上(At the Banquet )26
Unit3 询盘与报盘(Inquiry and Offer)41
Scene1 询盘(Inquiry)41
Scene2 进口询盘(Import Inquiry)43
Scene3 出口询盘(Export Inquiry)44
Scene4 中国地毯询盘(Inquiry for Chinese Carpets)46
Scene5 报盘(Offer)48
Scene6 实盘(Firm Offer)50
Scene7 特别销售报价(Offering Special Sale)52
Scene8 要求降价(Asking for Price Reduction)54
Scene9 谢绝降价(Declining Price Reduction)55
Unit4 磋商价格(On Price)66
Scene1 论价(Discussion on Pricc)66
Scene2 问题在哪里?(What s the Problem?)67
Scene3 先原则,后协调(Principle First,Specific Price Later)69
Scene4 讨价还价(Bargain)71
Scene5 僵局(Stalemate)73
Scene6 产品质量(Quality of the Products)74
Scene7 最后一分钟成交(A last Minute Deal)75
Scene8 作出让步(Making Concessions)78
Scene9 生意不成,可朋友在(No Deal,but Still Friends)80
Scene1 试订(Trial Order)90
Scene2 需要一个固定供货点(Need a Regular Supply)91
Scene3 真心做生意(Substantial Business)93
Scene4 新产品(A New Product)95
Scene5 请求帮助(Asking a Favour)96
Scene6 举荐产品(Recommending Product)99
Scene7 能否给我方优先配给?(Can You Give Us Some Priority?)100
Scene8 回头客(Repeat Order)101
Scene9 洗碗机(Dish Washing Machine)103
Scene10 圆满成交(Successful Conclusion)104
Unit13 佣金与折扣(Commission and Discount)104
Unit6 付款方式(Terms of Payment)112
Scene1 跟单托收(Documentary Collection)112
Scene2 付款交单(Document against Payment)113
Scene3 承兑交单(Document against Acceptance)115
Scene4 近期信用证(L/C at Sight)116
Scene5 远期信用证(L/C after Sight)116
Scene6 分期付款(Installment)118
Scene7 何时能拿到信用证?(When Will You Send Us the L/C?)119
Scene8 我们退让一半(We ll Meet You Half Way)120
unit7 合同(Contracts)128
Scene1 核对合同(Checking the Contract)128
Scene2 销售合同(Sales Contract)130
Scene3 合同草案(The Draft Contract)131
Scene4 再加列一项条款(Let s Add One More Provision)133
Scene5 干杯!(Cheers!)135
Scene1 纸箱包装足矣(Carton Packing IsAdequate)143
Unit8 包装(Packing)143
Scene2 请用防震包装(Please Use Shockproof Packing)145
Scene3 开窗包装(Window Packing)146
Unit9 发货与装运(Shipment)151
Scene 1 何时是最早的发货期?(When Is the Earliest Shipment?)151
Scene2 推迟装运(Delayed Shipment)153
Scene3 一次出运(Ship All at One Time)154
Scene4 分批装运(Partial Shipment)155
Scene5 新的订单源源不断(New orders Keeping Pouring in)157
Unit10 保险(Insurance)164
Scene1 承保险别(The Coverage of Insurance Clauses)164
Scene2 中国人民保险公司(PICC—People s Insurance Company of China)165
Scene3 保险单(The Insurance Policy)166
Scene4 到岸价发票金额的110%(110% of the CIF Invoice Value )167
Scene5 你们都承保哪些险别?(What Insurance Do You Underwrite?)169
Unit11 索赔与仲裁(Claims and Arbitration)175
Scene1 货物短重(Shortage in the Shipment )175
Scene2 缝纫机索赔(Claim on Sewing Machines)177
Scene3 货物错装(The Goods Are Wrong)178
Scene4 不可抗力(Force Majeure)180
Scene5 提交仲裁(Submitted for Arbitration)182
Unit12 代理与推销(Agency Sales)189
Scene1 谈论代理为时尚早(Too Early to Talk About Agency)189
Scene2 独家代理(Sole Agency)190
Scene3 尽管放心(Nothing to Worry About)192
Scene4 促销(Sales Promotion)193
Scene5 工艺品(Arts and Crafts)195
Scene1 佣金(Commission)204
Scene2 我们给你5%的佣金(We Allow You a 5% Commission)205
Scene3 多佣金,多促销(More Coemmission,More Promotion)207
Scene4 折扣(Discount)208
Scene5 特别的折扣(A Special discount)210
Unit14合资企业(Joint Venture)216
Scene1 合资的必要性(The Necessity of A Joint Venture)216
Scene2 谢谢你的说明(Thank You for Your Explanation)219
Scene3 合资的可能性(The Possibility of A Joint Venture)221
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