

  • 中国工程建设标准化协会组织翻译 著
  • 出版社: 北京市:中国建筑工业出版社
  • ISBN:7112067960
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:357页
  • 文件大小:61MB
  • 文件页数:367页
  • 主题词:混凝土结构-结构设计-设计规范-英文


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1 General Principles1

2 Terms,Symbols2

2.1 Terms2

2.2 Symbols3

3 Fundamental Design Stipulations8

3.1 General Stipulations8

3.2 Stipulations for Calculation of Ultimate Limit States9

3.3 Stipulations for Checking Calculation of Serviceability Limit States10

3.4 Stipulations for Durability12

4 Materials15

4.1 Concrete15

4.2 Steel Reinforcements17

5 Structural Analysis21

5.1 Fundamental Principles21

5.2 Linear Elastic Analysis Method22

5.3 Other Methods for Analysis23

6 Requirements for Calculation of Prestressed Concrete Structural Members25

6.1 General Stipulations25

6.2 Calculation of Values for Loss of Prestress32

7 Calculation of Ultimate Limit States37

7.1 General Stipulations for Calculation of Normal Section Load-bearing Capacity37

7.2 Calculation of Normal Section Flexural Load-bearing Capacity40

7.3 Calculation of Normal Section Compressive Load-bearing Capacity43

7.4 Calculation of Normal Section Tensile Load-bearing Capacity55

7.5 Calculation of Inclined Section Load-bearing Capacity57

7.6 Calculation of Torsional Section Load-bearing Capacity65

7.7 Calculation of Punching Shear Load-bearing Capacity72

7.8 Calculation of Local Compression Load-bearing Capacity76

7.9 Checking Calculation of Fatigue78

8 Checking Calculation of Serviceability Limit States86

8.1 Checking Calculation of Crack Control86

8.2 Checking Calculation for Deflection of Flexural Member93

9 Stipulations for Detailing Requirements97

9.1 Expansion Joint97

9.2 Concrete Cover98

9.3 Anchorage of Steel Reinforcement99

9.4 Connection of Steel Reinforcements101

9.5 Minimum Ratio of Reinforcement for Longitudinal Stressed Steel Reinforcements104

9.6 Stipulations for Detailing Requirements of Prestressed Concrete Structural Members105

10 Fundamental Stipulations for Structural Members109

10.1 Slab109

10.2 Beam112

10.3 Column119

10.4 Nodal Point of Girder and Column120

10.5 Wall124

10.6 Superposed Flexural Member127

10.7 Deep Flexural Member133

10.8 Corbel139

10.9 Embedded Parts and Hanging Ring141

10.10 Connection of Precast Structural Members144

11 Earthquake-resistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Members146

11.1 General Stipulations146

11.2 Materials150

11.3 Frame Girder150

11.4 Column of Frame and Column of Braced Frame154

11.5 Column of Hinged Bent163

11.6 Nodal Point and Embedded Parts for Girder and Column of Frame164

11.7 Structural(Shear)Wall170

11.8 Prestressed Concrete Structural Members178

Appendix A Calculation of Plain Concrete Structural Member180

Appendix B Nominal Sectional Area,Calculated Sectional Area and Theoretical Weight of Steel Reinforcements184

Appendix C Multi-axial Strength and Constitutive Relation of Concrete186

Appendix D Loss of Prestress for Common Tendon Shapes of Post-tensioned Prestressed Steel Reinforcements190

Appendix E Time-dependent Loss of Prestress193

Appendix F Calculation for Normal Section Load-bearing Capacity of Random Section Members196

Appendix G Design Value of Equivalent Concentrated Reaction Used for Calculation of Nodal Point of Slab and Column199

Explanation of Wording in This Code204
