

  • 云南省博物馆编 著
  • 出版社: 昆明:云南人民出版社
  • ISBN:722200761X
  • 出版时间:1991
  • 标注页数:439页
  • 文件大小:17MB
  • 文件页数:484页
  • 主题词:


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我国西南地区在考古学和古人类研究中的重要地位 贾兰坡1


The Important Position of Southwest China in the Study of Archaeology and Paleoanthropology Jai Lanp1

云南的古猿古人类旧石器细石器概况 张兴永7

A Survey of Paleoape,Paleoanthropology,Paleolith and Microlith of Yunnan Zhang Xingyong7

从开远腊玛古猿的形态特征再论滇中高原与人类起源 张兴永 郑良 肖明华25

Research on the Middle Yunnan Plateau and the Origin of Mankind from the Shape Feature of Ramapithec25

云南开远古猿的发现与研究 张兴永36

Discovery and Research Ramapithecus Kaiyuanensis of Yunnan Zhang Xingyong36

云南开远新发现的腊玛古猿化石 张兴永44

New Materials of Ramapithecus from Kaiyuan,Yunnan Zhang Xingyoun44

云南禄丰腊玛古猿头骨化石的初步观察 张兴永 郑良 肖明华52

A Preliminary Study of the Skull Fossils of Ramapithecus Lufengnensis Zhang Xingyong,Zheng Liang,Xia52

云南西瓦古猿头骨的初步研究 陆庆五 徐庆华 郑良62

A Preliminary Study of the Cranium of Sivapithecus Yunnanensis Lu Qingwu,Xu Qinghua,Zheng Liang62

The Important Position of Ramapithecus Lufengnensis on the Origin of Mankind Zhang Xingyong70

禄丰腊玛古猿在人类起源研究中的地位 张兴永70

New Species of Ramapithecus from Yuanmou,Yunnan Zhang Xing yong,Lin Yipu,Jiang Chu,Xiao Lin77

云南元谋腊玛古猿属一新种 张兴永 林一璞 姜础 肖林77

元谋蝴蝶腊玛古猿头骨化石的初步研究 张兴永 郑良 高峰 姜础 张家华82

A Preliminary Study of the Skull Fossils of Ramapithecus at Hudie Hill of Yuanmou,Yunnan Zhang Xingy82

上新世地层中应有最早的人类遗骸及文化遗存 贾兰坡 王建95

The Earliest Human Remains and Cultural Traces Should be Discovered in the Stratum of Pliocene Jia L95

Preliminary Research on the Stratum Age of Finding Fossils of Hominoidea in ZhuPeng Villege,Yuanmou,99

云南元谋竹棚含人猿超科化石地层时代的初步研究 钱方99

中国古猿新属的建立及其人类学意义 张兴永 郑良 高峰112

The Paleoanthropological Significance of New Genus Sinopithecus from Southwest China Zhang Xingyong,112

“元谋人”是我国现知最早的人类 张兴永123

Yuanmou man is the Earliest Mankind Discovered in Our Country Zhang Xingyong123

Yuanmou Man and Their Culture Zhang Xingyong,Zhou Guoxin131

元谋人及其文化 张兴永 周国兴131

元谋盆地的旧石器 黄慰文 卫奇 张兴永138

Paleolithes Found in Yuanmou Basin Huang Weiwen,Wei Qi,Zhang Xingyong138

Human Tooth Fossils Found in Zhaotong,Yunnan Zheng Liang146

云南昭通发现的人类化石 郑良146

云南丽江人类头骨的初步研究 云南省博物馆155

Preliminary Researchon Lijiang Man s Skull,Yunnan Yunnan Provincial Museum155

Mammalian Fossils and Paleolithes from Mujiaqiao,Lijiang,Yunnan Lin Yipu,Zhang Xingyong165

云南丽江木家桥发现的哺乳类化石和旧石器 林一? 张兴永165

The Newly-discovered Paleolithes from Mujiaqiao,Lijiang Wei Qi,Huang Weiwen,Zhang Xingyong174

丽江木家桥新发现的旧石器 卫奇 黄慰文 张兴永174

Homo Fossils and Paleolithes from the Second Locality of Longtang Mountain,Chenggong,Kunming Qiu Zho185

昆明呈贡龙潭山第2地点的人化石和旧石器 邱中郎 张银运 胡绍锦185

Late Pleistocene Human Teeth from Kunming,Yunnan Zhang Xingyong,Hu Shaojin,Zheng Liang193

云南昆明晚更新世古人类牙齿化石 张兴永 胡绍锦 郑良193

Plcistocene Animal Crowd and Paleolithes from Xiaodong Cave,Cangyuan,Yunnan Zhang Xingyou198

沧源更新世硝洞动物群及打制石器 张兴永198

Research on Horn and Tooth Materials from Tangzigou Site,Baoshan Zhang Xingyong,Gen Deming200

塘子沟遗址角、牙器研究 张兴永 耿德铭200

On the Million-Year-Old Paleolithic Remains Discovered in Jiang Chuan,Yunnan Zhang Xingyong,Gao Feng222

云南江川百万年前旧石器遗存的初步研究 张兴永 高峰 马波 侯丽萍222

Mongzi Man and Their culture Zhang Xingyong,Zheng Liang234

蒙自人类化石及其文化 张兴永 郑良 杨烈昌 包震德234

On the Origin of Chinese Prehistory and Some Remarks Zhou Gouxing247

关于中国史前文化开端的探索与思考 周国兴 张元真247

On the Neolithic Cultures of Yunnan Li Kunsheng,Xiao Qiu275

试论云南新石器时代文化 李昆声 肖秋275

On the Relationship between the Neolithic Cultures of Yunnan and Southeast China Li Kunsheng,Xiao Qi289

论云南与我国东南地区新石器时代文化的关系 李昆声 肖秋289

Dadunzi,a Neolithic Site Located in Yuanmou Basin and Some Research Han Yong298

元谋大墩子新石器时代遗址及其研究 阚勇298

The Social Nature of the Neolithic Site,Dadunzi-Located in Yuanmou Basin,Yunnan Han Yong320

元谋大墩子新石器时代遗址的社会性质 阚勇320

The National Branches of the Premitive Cultures in Yunnan Li Kunsheng331

云南原始文化族系试探 李昆声331

The Status of Yunnan in the Research of the History of Asian Rice Cultivation Li Kunsheng347

云南在亚洲栽培稻起源研究中的地位 李昆声347

Baiyue Nationality,the Earliest Rice Cul?ivator of Our Country Li Kunshen356

百越——我国稻谷的最早栽培者 李昆声356

Domestic Animals of the Neolothic Age of Yunnan Zhang Xingyong367

云南新石器时代的家畜 张兴永367

A Preliminary Study of the Primitive Art of Yunnan Li Kunsheng379

云南原始社会艺术初论 申戈379

A Summary of the Pottery Poultry Shaped Ewers Ge Jifang,Su Yingtang390

印纹禽尊的踪迹 葛季芳 苏迎堂390

Research on the Relationship between the Neolithic Culture of Shifodong and the Rock Paintings of Ca397

石佛洞新石器文化与沧源崖画关系探索 吴学明397

Rock Paintings of Cangyuan and the Folk Customs of Minority nationalities Xu Kangning411

沧源崖画与少数民族风物 徐康宁411

Appendix 1:Bibliography of the Papers on the Origin of Mankind and Prehistory of Yunnan422

